Binary Indexed Tree (Fenwick Tree)

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A Fenwick tree or binary indexed tree is a data structure that can efficiently update elements and calculate prefix sums in a table of numbers.

Coding by C:

#define LSB(i) ((i) & -(i)) // zeroes all the bits except the least significant one
//One based indexing is assumed
int A[SIZE+1];

int sum(int i) // Returns the sum from index 1 to i
    int sum = 0;
    while (i > 0)
        sum += A[i], i -= LSB(i);
    return sum;

void add(int i, int k) // Adds k to element with index i
    while (i <= SIZE)
        A[i] += k, i += LSB(i);

Coding By Swift:

var cache = Array(repeating: 0, count: SIZE)
// Add k to element with index x
func update(_ x: Int, _ k: Int) {
	var x = x
	while x < SIZE {
		cache[x] += k
		x += (x & -x)

// return sum from index 0 to x
func get(_ x: Int) -> Int {
	var x = x
	var res = 0
	while x > 0 {
		res += cache[x]
		x -= (x & -x)
	return res


By straightforward implementation without using bit. Example: an array is [2, 3, -1, 0, 6] the length 3 prefix [2, 3, -1] with sum 2 + 3 + -1 = 4).

2 Operations:

  1. point update(i): Change value stored at index i
  2. range sum(k): Find sum of a prefix of length k
int a[] = {2, 1, 4, 6, -1, 5, -32, 0, 1};
void update(int i, int v)   //assigns value v to a[i]
    a[i] = v;
int prefixsum(int k)    //calculate the sum of all a[i] such that 0 <= i < k
   int sum = 0;
   for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)
        sum += a[i];
   return sum;

This will out of time limit for large dataset. One efficient solution is use segment tree to perform both operation in $O(logN)$ time.

Binary Indexed Tree require less space and are very easy to implement.

Isolate last set bit

Example: number x = 1110(in binary)

Binary digit 1 1 1(the last set bit, need to isolate it) 0
Index 3 2 1 0

So, x & -x gives the last set bit in a number.


$x = a1b$ (in binary) is the number whose last set bit is we want.

$a$ is some binary sequence of any length of 1’s and 0’s, $b$ is some sequence of any length but of 0’s only. The 1 bit between $a$ and $b$ is the last set bit.

\[\displaylines{ \begin{align} -x & = x' + 1 \\ & = (a1b)' + 1 \\ & = a'0b' + 1 \\ & = a'0(0...0)' + 1 \\ & = a'0(1...1) + 1 \\ & = a'1(0...0) \\ & = a'1b \end{align} }\] \[\displaylines{ \begin{align} & \ \ \ \ \ \ a1b ==> x \\ \& \ \ \ \ & \ \ \ \ \ \ a'1b ==> -x \\ &= (0...0)1(0...0) \end{align} }\]

Example: $x = 10(in decimal) = 1010(in binary)$, the last set bit is given by $ x\&(-x) = (10)1(0) \& (01)1(0) = 0010 = 2(in decimal) $

Basic Idea of Binary Indexed Tree

For a given array, we can maintain an array $BIT[]$, which at any index we can store sum of some numbers of the given array. This also be called a partial sum tree.

Example: array [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]

Each enclosed box denotes the value $BIT[index]$, each $BIT[index]$ stores partial sum of some numbers.

\[\displaylines{ BIT[x] = \begin{cases} a[x], if \ x \ is \ odd \\ a[1] + .... + a[x], if \ x \ is \ power \ of \ 2 \end{cases} }\]

Every index $i$ in the $BIT[]$ array stores the cumulative sum from $ i \ to \ i-(1 « r) + 1 $ (both inclusive), where $r$ represents the last set bit in index $i$.

\[\displaylines{ \begin{align} & first \ 12 \ numbers = BIT[12] + BIT[8] = (a[12]+...+a[9]) + (a[8]+...+a[1]) \\ & first \ 6 \ numbers = BIT[6] + BIT[4] = (a[6]+a[5]) + (a[4]+...+a[1]) \end{align} }\]

Construct Tree

$BIT[]$ is array of size $1+a[]$, initially is 0. Call $update()$ operation to construct the Binary Indexed Tree

//add "delta" at index "x"
void update(int x, int delta) {
    for(; x <= n; x += x&-x)
          BIT[x] += delta;

Example: call $update(13, 2)$, $13, 14, 16$ cover index 13, we need to add 2 to them also.

\[\displaylines{ \begin{align} & BIT[13] += 2 \\ & ==> isolate \ last \ set \ bit \ of \ 13(1101), i.e. x += x \& (-x) \\ & ==> Last \ bit \ of \ 13 \ is \ 1, x = 13+1 = 14, update \ BIT[14] \\ & BIT[14] += 2 \\ & ==> 14(1110), isolate \ last \ bit \ and \ add \ to \ 14, x=14+2=16(10000), update \ BIT[16] \\ & BIT[16] += 2 \end{align} }\]

In this way, $update()$ operation update all indices of $BIT[]$ which cover index $x$ and maintain $BIT[]$. The loop runs at most the number of bits in index $x(<= n)$, so the update operation takes at most $O(log_{2}n)$ time.

Query Prefix Sum

//returns the sum of first x elements in given array a[]
int query(int x) {
     int sum = 0;
     for(; x > 0; x -= x&-x)
         sum += BIT[x];
     return sum;

Example: call $query(14)$

\[\displaylines{ \begin{align} & ==> initial \ sum \\ & sum = 0 \\ & ==> x=14(1110), add \ BIT[14] \\ & sum = BIT[14] = (a[14]+a[13]) \\ & ==> isolate \ last \ set \ bit \ from 14(1110) -> 2(10), and \ subtract \ it \ from \ x \\ & x = 14-2 = 12 \\ & ==> add \ BIT[12] \\ & sum = BIT[14] + BIT[12] = (a[14]+a[13]) + (a[12]+...+a[9]) \\ & ==> isolate \ last \ set \ bit \ from 12(1100) -> 4(100), and \ subtract \ it \ from \ x \\ & x = 12-4 = 8 \\ & ==> add \ BIT[8] \\ & sum = BIT[14] + BIT[12] + BIT[8] = (a[14]+a[13]) + (a[12]+...+a[9]) + (a[8]+...+a[1]) \\ & ==> isolate \ last \ set \ bit \ from 8(100) -> 8(1000), and \ subtract \ it \ from \ x \\ & x = 8-8 = 0 \\ & ==> x=0, break/end \ the \ loop, return \ sum \end{align} }\]

The loop iterates at most number of bits in $x$, which will be at most $n$ (the size of given array). So query operation takes $O(log_{2}n)$ time.

When to use

Before going for Binary Indexed tree to perform operations over range, better to confirm:

  • Associative. i.e f(f(a, b), c) = f(a, f(b, c)) this is true even for seg-tree
  • Has an inverse. eg:
    • addition has inverse subtraction (this example we have discussed)
    • Multiplication has inverse division
    • gcd() has no inverse, so we can’t use BIT to calculate range gcd’s
    • sum of matrices has inverse
    • product of matrices would have inverse if it is given that matrices are degenerate i.e. determinant of any matrix is not equal to 0
  • Space Complexity: $O(N)$ where N is array size
  • Time Complexity: $O(logN)$ for each operation(update, query)
  • Applications:
    • Binary Indexed trees are used to implement the arithmetic coding algorithm.
    • Binary Indexed Tree can be used to count inversions in an arry in $O(N * logN)$ time


Published on 10 Jan 2021 Find me on Facebook, Twitter!

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