Lagrange's four-square theorem

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Lagrange’s four-square theorem, also known as Bachet’s conjecture, states that every natural number can be represented as the sum of four integer squares. That is, the squares form an additive basis of order four.

Swift Check The least number of Perfect square numbers which sum to n

The idea is:

- there are only 4 possible results: 1 2 3 4
- return 1 when n isSquare
- return 4: n is 4^k*(8*m+7)
    1. check n % 4 == 0
    2. check n % 8 == 7   return 4
- return 2: n = i*i + j*j
    isSquare(n-i*i)  --- return true, is 2
    for reduce checking, keep n-i*i >0 
    for(int i = 0; i <= (int)(sqrt(n)); ++i)
    eg: 50, did not need to check until 50, only need to check until 7( sqrt(50) )
- else return 3


func numSquares(_ n: Int) -> Int {
	if n <= 0 { return 0 }
	var n = n
	// check if num is square nnum
	let isSquare: (Int) -> Bool = { num in
		let sqrtRoot = Int(Double(num).squareRoot())
		return sqrtRoot*sqrtRoot == num
	if isSquare(n) { return 1 }
	while n % 4 == 0 {
		n >>= 2
	if n % 8 == 7 {
		return 4
	let sqrtRoot = Int(Double(n).squareRoot())
	for i in 1...sqrtRoot {
		if isSquare(n-i*i) {
			return 2
	return 3


Published on 22 Dec 2020 Find me on Facebook, Twitter!

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