Memory of a Computer is any physical device which is capable of storing information whether it is large or small and stores ite temporarily or permanently.
RAM(Random Access Memory)
is a type of volatile memory that stores informaiton for a short interval of time.
EPROM(Erasable Programmable ROM)
is a non-volatile memory.
Memory can be either volatile or non-volatile. Volatile
memory is a type of memeory that loses
its contents when the computer or hardware deice is switched off
Units of Memory
A computer processor is made up of multiple decisive circuits, each one of which may be either OFF or ON. These two states in terms of memory are represented by a 0 or 1. In order to count higher than 1, such bits
(Binary digitS) are suspended together.
1 byte = 8 bits
1 byte -> (00_000_000 to 11_111_111)
Types of various Units of Memory
- Byte -> abbreviation is B
- Kilo Byte -> 1024 bytes (2^10) -> abbreviation: K or KB
- Mega Byte -> 1_048_576 bytes (1024^2) -> abbreviation: MB
- Giga Byte -> 1_073_741_824 bytes (1024^3) -> abbreviation: GB
- Tera Byte -> 1_099_511_627_776 bytes (1024 GB) -> abbreviation: TB
- Peta Byte -> 1_125_899_906_842_624 bytes (1024 TB) -> abbreviation: PB
- Exa Byte -> 1_152_921_504_606_846_976 bytes (1024 PB) -> abbreviation: EB
- Zetta Byte -> 1_180_591_620_717_411_303_424 bytes (1024 EB) -> abbreviation: ZB
- Yotta Byte -> 1_208_925_819_614_629_174_706_176 bytes (1024 ZB) -> abbreviation: YB
Note: Not confuse these two:
12800 KB RAM
refers to the amount of main memory the computer provides to its CPU.128 MB disk
symbolizes the amount of space that is available for the storage of files, data, and other type of permanent information.
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