Proto3 fixed64 type

«  Objective C - copy, assign, retain
WWDC 2023 Keynote Memo  »

proto3 has lists of value types:

Inside of them, fixed64 is a special type I’d like to check & test at here.

From its description:

Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 256.

Though it mentioned can be applied to C++ uint64, it seems also works for int64.

As it mentioned:

fixed32 is compatible with sfixed32, and fixed64 with sfixed64.

Now, here is one question, how will it be look like if we assign int64 to fixed64? To be more specifically, positive int64 will mapped to same value in fixed64, how about negative int64 numbers?


The “ZigZag” encoding instead of two’s complement to encode negative integers. Positive integers n are encoded as 2 * n (the even numbers), while negative integers -n are encoded as 2 * n + 1 (the odd numbers). The encoding thus “zig-zags” between positive and negative numbers.

Signed Original Encoded As
0 0
-1 1
1 2
-2 3
0x7fffffff 0xfffffffe
-0x80000000 0xffffffff

Using some bit tricks, it’s cheap to convert n into its ZigZag representation:

((n + n) ^ -(n < 0)) - (n < 0)


Published on 17 Mar 2023 Find me on Facebook, Twitter!

«  Objective C - copy, assign, retain
WWDC 2023 Keynote Memo  »


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