is a tool to implement RouterDelegate
and RouteInformationParser
classes. Here is the GoRouter API public design doc:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_mRXinbL_rb0mUt6DAFZ8kj0kh33ZjEMJuUq4PJgwj8/edit?resourcekey=0-sYbRzE9opneOFZ5F8J3gGw
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T2LmzMj5HpD7hEexXL4Xz6vqoJD81bEGaa9NsV24faw/edit?resourcekey=0-PuQbtDVl7ZabpJ2B9AHWUg
Since it is suggested and maintained by Flutter dev, it is a good tool to use, without manually keep maintain any by developer side.
It’s follow Navigation2.0 design style mentioned by Flutter in 2020.
It is quite a convenience tool, which follow the declarative routes. Let me memo some for what I tried at here.
# add package into project
$ flutter pub add go_router
Code implementation
- make
class - define all routes in
class, by using freezed to seal the path
1. AppRouter Class
We need to define all routes at one place at the first
class AppRouter {
final LoginState loginState;
GoRouter get router => _goRouter;
late final _goRouter = GoRouter(
refreshListenable: loginState,
debugLogDiagnostics: kDebugMode ? true : false,
urlPathStrategy: UrlPathStrategy.path,
routes: [
path: '/', // root path
redirect: (_) => RoutePath.myHomePage().path,
path: RoutePath.login().path,
builder: (context, state) => const LoginPage(),
path: RoutePath.myHomePage().path,
builder: (context, state) => const MyHomePage(),
// define more paths at here
errorPageBuilder: (context, state) => MaterialPage<void>(
key: state.pageKey,
child: ErrorPage(
message: state.error.toString(),
// redirect to login if user not logged it
redirect: (state) {
final loggedIn = loginState.login;
final loggingIn = state.subloc == RoutePath.myHomePage().path;
if (!loggedIn) return loggingIn ? null : RoutePath.myHomePage().path;
// if user is logged in but still on login page, send to home page(root will redirect to homepage)
if (loggingIn) return '/';
// no need to redirect at all
return null;
2. RoutePath class
We will use freezed to generate data-classes. It is useful to help define constructor and properties, also handling de/serialization well.
First, we need to prepare and add freezed
package in our project :
$ flutter pub add freezed_annotation
$ flutter pub add --dev build_runner
$ flutter pub add --dev freezed
Then, create bellow class file
class RoutePath with _$RoutePath {
const RoutePath._();
// general initializer
const factory RoutePath.general({
required String path,
@Default([]) List<String> paramKeys,
}) = _General;
factory RoutePath.myHomePage() => const RoutePath.general(path: '/my_homepage');
factory RoutePath.login() => const RoutePath.general(path: '/login');
String toString() {
return path;
By using RoutePath.general
, it could cover almost all path definition contains params
. ex: if we have a /detail/:detailId
path, we can make
// call this as context.go(RoutePath.goDetail('123'))
factory RoutePath.goDetail(String detailId) => RoutePath.general(path: '/detail/$detailId');
// call this at GoRoute config
// ex:
// GoRoute(
// path: RoutePath.generalDetail().path,
// builder: (context, state) {
// List<String> _params = RoutePath.generalDetail().maybeWhen(
// general: (String path, List<String> paramKeys) => paramKeys,
// orElse: () => [],
// );
// String _detailIdParam = _params.first;
// return DetailPage(id: state.params[_detailIdParam]);
// },
// ),
factory RoutePath.generalDetail() => RoutePath.general(path: '/detail/:detailId', params: ['detailId']);
After we have this class and dart file, we could try to make the freezed
data classes. Otherwise, dart file will show many warning errors there.
Run code generator by:
$ flutter pub run build_runner build
it will generate, and we need to add current file as start with Freezed
import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
part 'xxx.freezed.dart';
That’s all! Once we make all of page done, the navigation will work well for us!
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