Transfer Audio Memo to Text File

«  Reservoir Sampling
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Sometimes, we have some audio memo, and might want to transfer it to text in the later. For a single file, it might easy to handle. But for large amount of files, let’s say 100 files, I feel it is really hard to me to check it one by one. So I try to search if there is any tools can help me.

In my case, I need a tool to transfer “Chinese” audio memo, so I pick Tencent Cloud API ASR(Automatic Speech Recognition) one at here. There might be other convenience tools. I will try to compare them if I have time later.

Tencent Cloud API support both website and SDK.

Website ASR

For the website one, here is the link:

Step also simple:

  • Select file source: local or URL
  • Select what kind of audio it is: phone or not-phone
  • Select engine model: there is list of language types
  • Select channel number: single or double
  • Select type of result: list of choice, like including timestamp or not
  • Upload file if file source is local, OR input URL address if source is URL

Once upload success, it is okay to Start Recognition. After waiting for a while, the result file is downloadable.


There are list of SDK-s: And I pick Python SDK this time. My code is at here:

Basic flow is 2 parts:

  1. Send ASR request, and get TaskId from response
  2. Use 1’s TaskId to retrieve/download result

Here is some core part:

Send ASR request

from tencentcloud.common import credential
from tencentcloud.common.profile.client_profile import ClientProfile
from tencentcloud.common.profile.http_profile import HttpProfile
from tencentcloud.common.exception.tencent_cloud_sdk_exception import TencentCloudSDKException
from tencentcloud.asr.v20190614 import asr_client, models

# set up request params
secret_id =  os.environ.get("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID")
secret_key = os.environ.get("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY")

cred = credential.Credential(

httpProfile = HttpProfile()
httpProfile.endpoint = ""

clientProfile = ClientProfile()
clientProfile.httpProfile = httpProfile
clientProfile.signMethod = "TC3-HMAC-SHA256"
client = asr_client.AsrClient(cred, "ap-shanghai", clientProfile)

req = models.CreateRecTaskRequest()
params = {
    "Data": encodestr

# send request and get response json
resp = client.CreateRecTask(req)
resp_json_str = resp.to_json_string()

Retrieve/Download Result

# setup request params
cred = credential.Credential(
httpProfile = HttpProfile()
httpProfile.endpoint = ""

clientProfile = ClientProfile()
clientProfile.httpProfile = httpProfile
client = asr_client.AsrClient(cred, "ap-shanghai", clientProfile)

# send request and get response json
req = models.DescribeTaskStatusRequest()
params = '{"TaskId":' + str(self.task_id) +'}'

resp = client.DescribeTaskStatus(req)
resp_json_str = resp.to_json_string()


If we’d like to send the API to process the file, there is a file size limitation. While the error message said 10MB, based on my test, it should be 5MB.

So if local file is out of limitation, 2 choice, split the file OR use Website one to handle it.


Published on 23 Jan 2022 Find me on Facebook, Twitter!

«  Reservoir Sampling
Zermelo's theorem  »


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