SwiftUI Image Cause System Run out of Memory Issue

«  NSURLError Memo
SwiftUI Picker Label Not Showing Issue  »

PC env:

macOS Monterey 12.0.1
Memory 16GB
Storage 512GB
Xcode 13.1
Simulator: iPhone 12 Pro Max OS15.0

When I try some SwiftUI practice, I was run into a Your system has run out of application memory. issue. And it freeze my pc.

I was first think if there is any problem on my Xcode env, so I tried delete -> reinstall Xcode, restart PC, clean storage etc. But all of them not work(Once I launch Xcode and try to build my code, PC starts freezing).

After checking the CPU and memory, I notice once I start building, the CPU and memory keep increasing, the high peak even take 60GB SouceKitService and 45GB swift-frontend in the memory!!!!!!!!! That is really a big problem, even I manually shut it down, it still increase and increase.

Then I searched some person mentioned, they got this issue at the Image code. OK! That remind me, my pc issue does happen after I add some code on SwiftUI Image part!! So, I back to my code, comment out my changes, then, all cpu and memory take properly now!

It might really hard to notice this is a code leak there. But it gives me one hint that, I should think again when it starts got issue.

Problem Code part

GeometryReader { geo in
    List(usedWords, id: \.self) { word in
        GeometryReader { wordGeo in
            HStack {
                Image(systemName: "\(word.count).circle")
                /// ⚠️⚠️⚠️THIS .foregroundColor() is the PROBLEM PART⚠️⚠️⚠️
                            red: wordGeo.frame(in: .global).minY % geo.size.height,
                            green: 1 - (wordGeo.frame(in: .global).minY % geo.size.height),
                            blue: 0.5 * (wordGeo.frame(in: .global).minY % geo.size.height))
            .offset(x: max(0, wordGeo.frame(in: .global).minY + wordGeo.size.width - geo.frame(in: .global).maxY))
            .accessibilityElement(children: .ignore)
            .accessibilityLabel(Text("\(word), \(word.count) letters"))


I fixed the issue by using Double and double check my logic to be sure only set 0-1 point values to it. Here is my fixing code, change .foregroundColor part as:

        red: Double(Int(wordGeo.frame(in: .global).minY) % Int(geo.size.height)) / Double(geo.size.height),
        green: Double(1 - Double(Int(wordGeo.frame(in: .global).minY) % Int(geo.size.height)) / Double(geo.size.height)),
        blue: Double(0.5 * Double(Int(wordGeo.frame(in: .global).minY) % Int(geo.size.height)) / Double(geo.size.height))


Published on 24 Nov 2021 Find me on Facebook, Twitter!

«  NSURLError Memo
SwiftUI Picker Label Not Showing Issue  »


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