On April, 2019, RxSwift developers released the RxSwift 5.0.0 which include RxRelay transitions and Variable deprecations. In their release notes, they’ve mentioned:
Variable is now entirely deprecated. #1922
However, the replacing might have some potential problem which I’d like to memo it and do the replace carefully. The first thing we need to take care about is:
is a mutable objectBehaviorRelay
is a read-only object
For resetting BehaviorRelay
object value, we should use:
var copy = relay.value
But, this is a really dangerous replacing mentioned by RxSwift developer:
https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift/issues/1501#issuecomment-349341598 this is a dangerous patten because after you read relay.value a new value could be set before you call relay.accept(mutableCopy) and thus you could accidentally overwrite something.
So, this value resetting might have problem in multi-thread context. After searching, it seems we could have two ways to replace the deprecated Variable
: BehaviorRelay
or BehaviorSubject
In the Variable
’s deprecation message, it shows:
is deprecated: Variable is deprecated. Please useBehaviorRelay
as a replacement.
So, using BehaviorRelay
to replace this deprecation Variable should be one way.
Another way is using BehaviorSubject
. This is because: both Variable
and BehaviorRelay
are wrapper of BehaviorSubject
Single Thread Replacing
Let’s test the single thread replacing now(This test code could also be found in this repository):
var disposeBag = DisposeBag()
var variable = Variable<String>("init variable")
.do(onNext: {
print("variable value changed: \($0)")
.debug("=== variable: ")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
var behaviorRelay = BehaviorRelay<String>(value: "init relay")
.do(onNext: {
print("behaviorRelay value changed: \($0)")
.debug("=== behaviorRelay: ")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
var behaviorSubject = BehaviorSubject<String>(value: "init subject")
.do(onNext: {
print("behaviorSubject value changed: \($0)")
.debug("=== behaviorSubject: ")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
// test single thread replacing
var singleThreadObservable = PublishSubject<String>()
.subscribe(onNext: { newValue in
variable.value = newValue
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
singleThreadObservable.onNext("single 1")
singleThreadObservable.onNext("single 2")
let error = NSError.init(domain: "rxtestErrorDomain", code: 401, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Single Thread Error 1"])
singleThreadObservable.onNext("single 3")
singleThreadObservable.onNext("single 4")
singleThreadObservable.onNext("single 5")
singleThreadObservable.onNext("single 6")
// dealloc/clear disposeBag
disposeBag = DisposeBag()
/* Result:
// whole output:
2020-11-29 21:07:12.870: === variable: -> subscribed
variable value changed: init variable
2020-11-29 21:07:12.898: === variable: -> Event next(init variable)
2020-11-29 21:07:12.924: === behaviorRelay: -> subscribed
behaviorRelay value changed: init relay
2020-11-29 21:07:12.924: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay)
2020-11-29 21:07:12.927: === behaviorSubject: -> subscribed
behaviorSubject value changed: init subject
2020-11-29 21:07:12.927: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject)
variable value changed: single 1
2020-11-29 21:07:12.928: === variable: -> Event next(single 1)
behaviorRelay value changed: single 1
2020-11-29 21:07:12.929: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(single 1)
behaviorSubject value changed: single 1
2020-11-29 21:07:12.929: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(single 1)
variable value changed: single 2
2020-11-29 21:07:12.930: === variable: -> Event next(single 2)
behaviorRelay value changed: single 2
2020-11-29 21:07:12.930: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(single 2)
behaviorSubject value changed: single 2
2020-11-29 21:07:12.931: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(single 2)
variable value changed: [Error] variable
2020-11-29 21:07:12.932: === variable: -> Event next([Error] variable)
behaviorRelay value changed: [Error] behaviorRelay
2020-11-29 21:07:12.932: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Error] behaviorRelay)
behaviorSubject value changed: [Error] behaviorSubject
2020-11-29 21:07:12.932: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Error] behaviorSubject)
2020-11-29 21:07:12.935: === variable: -> isDisposed
2020-11-29 21:07:12.994: === behaviorRelay: -> isDisposed
2020-11-29 21:07:12.994: === behaviorSubject: -> isDisposed
From this result, we could find, Variable
, BehaviorRelay
, and BehaviorSubject
not show so big difference on the single thread observing part.
- For observing on sync thread:
, andBehaviorSubject
: all of three observables updating the value at the same time. They will not be terminated by subscribed observables onError and onCompleted. And they will disposed together once the bind disposeBag is released.
- For observing on async thread:
, andBehaviorSubject
: all of three are updating the value at the same time. ex: sometimes the async might only updating thesingle 2
, all of these three will update their value tosingle 2
Multi-Thread Context Replacing
Before applying multi-thread
If we are not specifying the observing thread, all of Variable
, BehaviorRelay
, and BehaviorSubject
have the same behavior:
- we will find in the output part, all of three are updated their value in the same time and same order
var disposeBag = DisposeBag()
var variable = Variable<String>("init variable")
.debug("=== variable: ")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
var behaviorRelay = BehaviorRelay<String>(value: "init relay")
.debug("=== behaviorRelay: ")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
var behaviorSubject = BehaviorSubject<String>(value: "init subject")
.debug("=== behaviorSubject: ")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
let thread1 = DispatchQueue(label: "Test Thread1")
let thread2 = DispatchQueue(label: "Test Thread2", qos: .utility, attributes: .concurrent, autoreleaseFrequency: .inherit)
let thread3 = DispatchQueue(label: "Test Thread3", qos: .utility, attributes: .concurrent, autoreleaseFrequency: .inherit)
var multiThreadObservable: Observable<String> = Observable.create { observer -> Disposable in
observer.onNext("multi 1")
observer.onNext("multi 2")
observer.onNext("multi 3")
// if we send this onError,
// in later observing, it will skip all previous onNext, directly send onError part
// observer.onError(error)
observer.onNext("multi 4")
observer.onNext("multi 5")
observer.onNext("multi 6")
return Disposables.create()
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 1] " + newValue
variable.value = newValue
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 2] " + newValue
variable.value = newValue
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 3] " + newValue
variable.value = newValue
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
// whole output:
2020-12-02 22:45:11.642: === variable: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 22:45:11.643: === variable: -> Event next(init variable)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.671: === behaviorRelay: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 22:45:11.697: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.700: === behaviorSubject: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 22:45:11.700: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.703: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.703: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.703: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.704: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.705: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.705: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.705: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.706: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.706: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.707: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.708: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.708: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.708: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.709: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.709: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.766: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.767: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.767: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.767: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.768: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.768: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.768: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.769: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.769: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.769: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.770: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:45:11.770: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
After applying thread
With updating multiThreadObservable
by adding the delay
to control update value in different thread:
- If the time is not covered, all of three are updating their value in same order and almost same time
.delay(.milliseconds(100), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread1))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 1] " + newValue
variable.value = newValue
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.delay(.milliseconds(200), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread2))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 2] " + newValue
variable.value = newValue
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.delay(.milliseconds(300), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread3))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 3] " + newValue
variable.value = newValue
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
// whole output:
2020-12-02 22:47:43.843: === variable: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 22:47:43.844: === variable: -> Event next(init variable)
2020-12-02 22:47:43.871: === behaviorRelay: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 22:47:43.896: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay)
2020-12-02 22:47:43.899: === behaviorSubject: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 22:47:43.899: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.003: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.004: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.004: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.005: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.006: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.006: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.007: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.007: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.008: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.104: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.105: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.105: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.106: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.106: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.107: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.108: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.108: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.108: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.205: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.206: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.206: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.208: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.208: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.209: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.209: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.210: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:47:44.210: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
If we update the value in different thread at the same time:
- By using
, they will not block any updating, and will not show any warning, but the result are not follow the order.
.delay(.milliseconds(100), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread1))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 1] " + newValue
// variable.value = newValue
}, onError: { _ in
// variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.delay(.milliseconds(100), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread2))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 2] " + newValue
// variable.value = newValue
}, onError: { _ in
// variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.delay(.milliseconds(100), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread3))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 3] " + newValue
// variable.value = newValue
}, onError: { _ in
// variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
// whole output:
2020-12-02 22:52:24.819: === variable: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 22:52:24.844: === variable: -> Event next(init variable)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.868: === behaviorRelay: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 22:52:24.868: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.870: === behaviorSubject: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 22:52:24.870: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.974: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.974: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.975: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.975: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.975: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.975: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.976: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.976: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.976: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.977: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.977: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.978: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.979: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.979: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.980: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:52:25.031: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:52:25.031: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:52:25.032: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
// summarize
// behaviorRelay value updated order:
2020-12-02 22:52:24.868: === behaviorRelay: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 22:52:24.868: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.974: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.975: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.975: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.975: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.976: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.977: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.979: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.979: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:52:25.031: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
// behaviorSubject value update order:
2020-12-02 22:52:24.870: === behaviorSubject: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 22:52:24.870: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.974: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.975: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.976: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.976: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.977: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.978: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:52:24.980: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 22:52:25.031: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 22:52:25.032: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
- By using
, we cannot updating the value in different thread at the same time. It will showSynchronization anomaly was detected.
warnings. And we can also find that theVariable
value updated order is same asBehaviorRelay
.delay(.milliseconds(100), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread1))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 1] " + newValue
variable.value = newValue
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.delay(.milliseconds(100), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread2))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 2] " + newValue
variable.value = newValue
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.delay(.milliseconds(100), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread3))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 3] " + newValue
variable.value = newValue
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
// whole output:
2020-12-02 23:03:44.883: === variable: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:03:44.885: === variable: -> Event next(init variable)
2020-12-02 23:03:44.886: === behaviorRelay: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:03:44.886: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay)
2020-12-02 23:03:44.943: === behaviorSubject: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:03:44.943: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.046: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.047: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.047: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.048: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.048: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.048: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.049: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.049: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
⚠️ Synchronization anomaly was detected.
> Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/hewu/Project/Practice/RxSwift_playground/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:112 and observe the call stack.
> Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
> Interpretation: Two different unsynchronized threads are trying to send some event simultaneously.
This is undefined behavior because the ordering of the effects caused by these events is nondeterministic and depends on the
operating system thread scheduler. This will result in a random behavior of your program.
> Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
or by synchronizing sequence events in some other way.
2020-12-02 23:03:45.049: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.116: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.116: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.116: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.116: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.116: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.117: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
⚠️ Synchronization anomaly was detected.
> Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/hewu/Project/Practice/RxSwift_playground/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:112 and observe the call stack.
> Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
> Interpretation: Two different unsynchronized threads are trying to send some event simultaneously.
This is undefined behavior because the ordering of the effects caused by these events is nondeterministic and depends on the
operating system thread scheduler. This will result in a random behavior of your program.
> Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
or by synchronizing sequence events in some other way.
2020-12-02 23:03:45.117: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.123: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.124: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
⚠️ Synchronization anomaly was detected.
> Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/hewu/Project/Practice/RxSwift_playground/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:112 and observe the call stack.
> Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
> Interpretation: Two different unsynchronized threads are trying to send some event simultaneously.
This is undefined behavior because the ordering of the effects caused by these events is nondeterministic and depends on the
operating system thread scheduler. This will result in a random behavior of your program.
> Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
or by synchronizing sequence events in some other way.
2020-12-02 23:03:45.124: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.125: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.125: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.125: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.126: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.126: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.126: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.126: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.127: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
// summarize
// variable
2020-12-02 23:03:44.883: === variable: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:03:44.885: === variable: -> Event next(init variable)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.046: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.048: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.048: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
⚠️ Synchronization anomaly was detected.
> Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/hewu/Project/Practice/RxSwift_playground/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:112 and observe the call stack.
> Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
> Interpretation: Two different unsynchronized threads are trying to send some event simultaneously.
This is undefined behavior because the ordering of the effects caused by these events is nondeterministic and depends on the
operating system thread scheduler. This will result in a random behavior of your program.
> Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
or by synchronizing sequence events in some other way.
2020-12-02 23:03:45.049: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.116: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.116: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
⚠️ Synchronization anomaly was detected.
> Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/hewu/Project/Practice/RxSwift_playground/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:112 and observe the call stack.
> Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
> Interpretation: Two different unsynchronized threads are trying to send some event simultaneously.
This is undefined behavior because the ordering of the effects caused by these events is nondeterministic and depends on the
operating system thread scheduler. This will result in a random behavior of your program.
> Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
or by synchronizing sequence events in some other way.
2020-12-02 23:03:45.117: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
⚠️ Synchronization anomaly was detected.
> Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/hewu/Project/Practice/RxSwift_playground/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:112 and observe the call stack.
> Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
> Interpretation: Two different unsynchronized threads are trying to send some event simultaneously.
This is undefined behavior because the ordering of the effects caused by these events is nondeterministic and depends on the
operating system thread scheduler. This will result in a random behavior of your program.
> Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
or by synchronizing sequence events in some other way.
2020-12-02 23:03:45.125: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.126: === variable: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
// behaviorRelay
2020-12-02 23:03:44.886: === behaviorRelay: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:03:44.886: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.047: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.048: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.049: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.116: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.117: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.123: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.124: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.126: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.126: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
// behaviorSubject
2020-12-02 23:03:44.943: === behaviorSubject: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:03:44.943: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.047: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.049: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.116: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.116: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.124: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.125: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.125: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.126: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:03:45.127: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next([Thread 3] multi 3)
If we always append newValue after oldValue in different thread at the same time, if we do it simply by directly updating value:
will making sure that update it by order, ex:init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 3
cannot update value in either thread order or observer onNext order correctly
.delay(.milliseconds(100), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread1))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 1] " + newValue
variable.value = variable.value + newValue
behaviorRelay.accept(behaviorRelay.value + newValue)
behaviorSubject.onNext((try! behaviorSubject.value()) + newValue)
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.delay(.milliseconds(100), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread2))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 2] " + newValue
variable.value = variable.value + newValue
behaviorRelay.accept(behaviorRelay.value + newValue)
behaviorSubject.onNext((try! behaviorSubject.value()) + newValue)
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.delay(.milliseconds(100), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread3))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 3] " + newValue
variable.value = variable.value + newValue
behaviorRelay.accept(behaviorRelay.value + newValue)
behaviorSubject.onNext((try! behaviorSubject.value()) + newValue)
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
// whole output:
2020-12-02 23:25:22.250: === variable: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:25:22.252: === variable: -> Event next(init variable)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.280: === behaviorRelay: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:25:22.280: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.310: === behaviorSubject: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:25:22.310: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.414: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.415: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.415: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.416: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.416: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.416: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.416: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.416: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.417: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.417: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.417: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.417: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2)
⚠️ Synchronization anomaly was detected.
> Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/hewu/Project/Practice/RxSwift_playground/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:112 and observe the call stack.
> Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
> Interpretation: Two different threads are trying to assign the same `Variable.value` unsynchronized.
This is undefined behavior because the end result (variable value) is nondeterministic and depends on the
operating system thread scheduler. This will cause random behavior of your program.
> Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
or by synchronizing sequence events in some other way.
2020-12-02 23:25:22.469: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.469: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.470: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.470: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.471: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.471: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.471: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3)
⚠️ Synchronization anomaly was detected.
> Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/hewu/Project/Practice/RxSwift_playground/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:112 and observe the call stack.
> Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
> Interpretation: Two different unsynchronized threads are trying to send some event simultaneously.
This is undefined behavior because the ordering of the effects caused by these events is nondeterministic and depends on the
operating system thread scheduler. This will result in a random behavior of your program.
> Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
or by synchronizing sequence events in some other way.
2020-12-02 23:25:22.471: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.555: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.557: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3)
⚠️ Synchronization anomaly was detected.
> Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/hewu/Project/Practice/RxSwift_playground/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:112 and observe the call stack.
> Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
> Interpretation: Two different threads are trying to assign the same `Variable.value` unsynchronized.
This is undefined behavior because the end result (variable value) is nondeterministic and depends on the
operating system thread scheduler. This will cause random behavior of your program.
> Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
or by synchronizing sequence events in some other way.
2020-12-02 23:25:22.557: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.558: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.558: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.558: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.558: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 3)
// summarize
// variable
2020-12-02 23:25:22.250: === variable: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:25:22.252: === variable: -> Event next(init variable)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.414: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.415: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.416: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.417: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.417: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2)
⚠️ Synchronization anomaly was detected.
> Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/hewu/Project/Practice/RxSwift_playground/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:112 and observe the call stack.
> Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
> Interpretation: Two different threads are trying to assign the same `Variable.value` unsynchronized.
This is undefined behavior because the end result (variable value) is nondeterministic and depends on the
operating system thread scheduler. This will cause random behavior of your program.
> Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
or by synchronizing sequence events in some other way.
2020-12-02 23:25:22.469: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.470: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3)
⚠️ Synchronization anomaly was detected.
> Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/hewu/Project/Practice/RxSwift_playground/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:112 and observe the call stack.
> Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
> Interpretation: Two different unsynchronized threads are trying to send some event simultaneously.
This is undefined behavior because the ordering of the effects caused by these events is nondeterministic and depends on the
operating system thread scheduler. This will result in a random behavior of your program.
> Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
or by synchronizing sequence events in some other way.
2020-12-02 23:25:22.557: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3)
⚠️ Synchronization anomaly was detected.
> Debugging: To debug this issue you can set a breakpoint in /Users/hewu/Project/Practice/RxSwift_playground/Pods/RxSwift/RxSwift/Rx.swift:112 and observe the call stack.
> Problem: This behavior is breaking the observable sequence grammar. `next (error | completed)?`
This behavior breaks the grammar because there is overlapping between sequence events.
Observable sequence is trying to send an event before sending of previous event has finished.
> Interpretation: Two different threads are trying to assign the same `Variable.value` unsynchronized.
This is undefined behavior because the end result (variable value) is nondeterministic and depends on the
operating system thread scheduler. This will cause random behavior of your program.
> Remedy: If this is the expected behavior this message can be suppressed by adding `.observeOn(MainScheduler.asyncInstance)`
or by synchronizing sequence events in some other way.
2020-12-02 23:25:22.557: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 3)
// behaviorRelay
2020-12-02 23:25:22.280: === behaviorRelay: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:25:22.280: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.415: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.416: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.416: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.417: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.470: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.471: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.471: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.558: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.558: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 3)
// behaviorSubject
2020-12-02 23:25:22.310: === behaviorSubject: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:25:22.310: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.416: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.416: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.417: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.469: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.471: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.471: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.555: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.558: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:25:22.558: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 3)
For resolving ⬆️, we could use NSLock
let relayLock = NSLock()
let subjectLock = NSLock()
.delay(.milliseconds(100), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread1))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 1] " + newValue
variable.value = variable.value + newValue
behaviorRelay.accept(behaviorRelay.value + newValue)
behaviorSubject.onNext((try! behaviorSubject.value()) + newValue)
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.delay(.milliseconds(100), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread2))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 2] " + newValue
variable.value = variable.value + newValue
behaviorRelay.accept(behaviorRelay.value + newValue)
behaviorSubject.onNext((try! behaviorSubject.value()) + newValue)
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.delay(.milliseconds(100), scheduler: ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(queue: thread3))
.do(onNext: { newValue in
let newValue = "[Thread 3] " + newValue
variable.value = variable.value + newValue
behaviorRelay.accept(behaviorRelay.value + newValue)
behaviorSubject.onNext((try! behaviorSubject.value()) + newValue)
}, onError: { _ in
variable.value = "[Error] variable"
behaviorRelay.accept("[Error] behaviorRelay")
behaviorSubject.onNext("[Error] behaviorSubject")
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
2020-12-02 23:41:11.973: === variable: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:41:12.005: === variable: -> Event next(init variable)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.033: === behaviorRelay: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:41:12.034: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.036: === behaviorSubject: -> subscribed
2020-12-02 23:41:12.037: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.141: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.142: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.142: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.142: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 1] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.142: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.143: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.143: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.144: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.144: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.144: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.144: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.145: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.215: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.215: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.216: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.216: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.216: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:41:12.217: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:41:16.434: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:41:16.435: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:41:16.435: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 1)
2020-12-02 23:41:16.436: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:41:16.437: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:41:16.438: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 2)
2020-12-02 23:41:16.438: === variable: -> Event next(init variable[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 3] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:41:16.439: === behaviorRelay: -> Event next(init relay[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 3] multi 3)
2020-12-02 23:41:16.466: === behaviorSubject: -> Event next(init subject[Thread 1] multi 1[Thread 2] multi 1[Thread 1] multi 2[Thread 2] multi 2[Thread 1] multi 3[Thread 2] multi 3[Thread 3] multi 1[Thread 3] multi 2[Thread 3] multi 3)
For replacing Variable
- If we could update the observable value in same thread by order, we can directly replace
by usingBehaviorRelay
- If we need to update the observable value in different thread, but we can control the update order, we can directly replace
by usingBehaviorRelay
- If there is a case we need to update the observable value in different thread at the same time, using
can make sure value update in order, but it is not a good behavior which rx will throw warnings for it. For this case, we should consider our code logic again- if we can change the original code to update the value in order, ex: add delay, run code in same synchronize thread, then we can directly replace
by usingBehaviorRelay
- if we cannot make sure update the value in order, we could consider to use
to help force controlling updating order, which is also used in original Variable implementation logic.
- if we can change the original code to update the value in order, ex: add delay, run code in same synchronize thread, then we can directly replace
The difference between BehaviorRelay
and BehaviorSubject
is a RelayObject, which is a wrapper ofBehaviorSubject
, it will not terminate by error or complete eventBehaviorSubject
is an ObserverType, which will terminate by error or complete event
Here is my test exercise code: https://github.com/HevaWu/RxSwift_playground/blob/master/Replace_Variable_Test.playground/Contents.swift
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