
He Wu(Heva) is a Software engineer with 7+ years of work experience in iOS development. 13+ years of coding experience include web development, data analysis and mathematical modeling.


Work Experience

Google (Dec.2022 - Now)

Software Engineer

  • Develop features in Google Maps for iOS

Woven Planet Holdings. (Mar.2022 - Dec.2022)

Mobile Application Developer

  • Build and debug mobility vehicle system and application with Arene and C++
  • Integrate, modularize and package subcomponents with Bazel
  • Create mock Vertex ECU image to debug system and applications
  • Push and pull packages, files, docker containers to JFrog Artifactory
  • Work with product owner to check enterprise architecture(EA) and JAMA requirements
  • Work with server engineer to debug cloud services in AWS
  • Negotiate and develop feature with product owner, UX designer
  • Design navigation and route redirection structure by using GoRouter
  • Send remote notification through Firebase Cloud Messaging

LINE Fukuoka Corp. (Oct.2017 - Mar.2022)

LINE Sticker Maker - iOS Team Lead

  • Lead iOS team to develop and release new feature, discuss with project manager, product manager, planner, server and designer
  • Make submodule with Swift Packages to improve project build time and decrease code size
  • Build dependencies and create binary framework by using Cocoapods, Carthage and Swift Package Manager Build, Deploy, Test Beta/Alpha/Real prototype by using Fastlane and Jenkins
  • Asynchronous processing code by using RxSwift, RxCocoa, RxDataSource, and RxRealm
  • Migrated and updated mobile application synchronous data by using Realm
  • Configure analytics tools for tracking, using Google Analytics and Firebase Analytics
  • Maintenance code when new version released: iOS, Swift, Xcode
  • Implement Avatar stickers feature by cooperating with LINE Avatar team
  • Support SceneDelegate to replace deprecated AppDelegate key window
  • Implement user review feature by using StoreKit SKStoreReviewController
  • Implement human face detection by using MLKit and match it into custom decoration frame Build and test new API Request by using URLSession and URLRequest
  • Implement auto-trimming and improve trimming feature by using OpenCV
  • Update the related code to support the new version Line SDK which also include token upgrade

LINE Official Account

  • Improve iOS version upgrade, remove and update deprecated method and delegate
  • Maintenance UI layout and refactor navigation bar

Personal Projects


  • Parse Unicode EastAsianWidth from unicode.org & Generate related Swift file
  • Handle 6 types of characters and calculate fullWidth and halfWidth properly
    • 6 types: East Asian Fullwidth (F), East Asian Halfwidth (H), East Asian Wide (W), East Asian Narrow (Na), East Asian Ambiguous (A), Neutral (Not East Asian)

Pet Friendly Map

AmazonJP Book Parser

  • Parsing Amazon JP Books information.
  • single book parser: parse one single book’s ISBN-10, ISBN-13, title, writer, publisher, editor reviews, rate, category, author introduction, tags, person who read this book might read other book list
  • amazon parser: input the Japan 2020 年本屋大賞’s top 10 books, then try to find the similar book lists, and save the data into mongoDB database

Academic Projects

Easy Trading (Oct.2016 - Dec.2016)

  • Exchanged items and shared apartment information in a website, using MongoDB to store data Created user login and logout part, using PASSPORT authentication middleware
  • Redirected and post data to another page by using jQuery AJAX calls
  • Designed the website by BOOTSTRAP framework and CSS stylesheet

Register Events API (Oct.2016 - Nov.2016)

  • People participate in events, using EXPRESS module to create a router for linking to the net
  • Each event contain its details (start time, description, location and attendees)
  • Once create a new event, create a client script using handlebars, and using XSS package to avoid XSS attack

Recipes and Comments API (Sep.2016 - Oct.2016)

  • Add Recipes and user comments, using MongoDB to store the recipe and comments database
  • In recipe collection, create and add the details(ingredients, steps and comments) for each recipe using Node.JS

Stevens Life (May.2016 - Jul.2016)

  • Built the connection between client and server, using JSON format and HTTP protocol
  • Designed user interface(UI) at client side and managed data at server side, using swift and MongoDB
  • Collected information from Stevens website, using web crawler and jsoup
  • Generated the verify code randomly and sent it by email from server to user, using java.mail and selenium library

Data Mining in Campus Crime (Mar.2016 - May.2016)

  • Based on the campus-crime data in 2012-2014, finding the relationship in crime type, using SAS to finish this
  • Preprocessing data and classify the crime type into three groups by checking the correlation between each two types
  • Univariate analysis each crime type to check if it is increase in three years
  • ANOVA analysis check if other two crimes have influence on the third crime
  • Build the model by using regression analysis and logistic regression analysis, and find which model is more reliable

Data Mining in Consumer Complaints

  • Pre-processed the consumer-complain data
  • Clustered data and compared the wrong rate under K-Means clustering, K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm, and Weighted K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm, using R Studio
  • Built Classification and Regression Trees(CART) and C5.0 decision trees to see the high satisfy product in one state

CPU Simulation

  • Performed the CPU processing data with FCFS (First Come First Served algorithm), SJF (Shortest Job First algorithm), Non-preemptive Priority algorithm, RR (Round Robin algorithm), using Visual Studio.
  • Compared the difference in average turnaround time, average waiting time, and throughout, between FCFS, SJF, Non-preemptive Priority algorithm and RR


Stevens Institute Of Technology, Master of Science in Computer Science (CS), GPA: 3.96/4.0


  • Honorable Mention in the USA National College Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) (Apr. 2014)
  • The Second Prize in National Electrician Mathematical Contest in Modeling (Feb. 2014)

This blog will record something she interested during developing. It will keep updating, but might irregularly. Each creative and motivate sharing is welcoming.

You can find her on Linkedin, Github, Facebook, Twitter. Let’s connect!

Coding’s world is mystery, and you would never said you know everything.

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